However as I was watching a reality show, What Not to wear this morning, God revealed to me about forgiveness. To give you all a little bit of insights on the show, it is about this lady, Sharon who finds it hard to forgive her ex-husband for leaving her for another woman. I can see how much hatred has built into her and she's still clinging on to the wedding ring despite her divorce. It is such an eye opener to me on how unforgiveness could destroy a person's life. She suffers from low self esteem and decided to like a sloppy life by putting on baggy clothes and minimal grooming.
After watching this show, it brings me down the memory lane that I was used to be like that too! As a child, I was abused verbally by my peers and relatives just because I'm not thin, pretty or smart enough. My whole life, I was living in insecurity and also low in self esteem. I always tell myself that I'm not good enough and throughout my entire school life I tried to isolate myself from society for the fear of being hurt and would not dare to speak up or participate in any social activities in school for the fear of any negative judgement.
As I grew up, I would say that I was an approval addict. I constantly seeks approval from men and I put my hope on men. As a result, I put my security on clothes, shoes, and makeup! It makes me feel good when men complimented me but I realised that it didn't last for long. I'm not judging but I know that many girls suffer in this area, they tend to seek approval from society by splurging on fashion. Well, I admit that I've spent lots of money to make me feel good but..... (I bet you know the rest)
But you can always see the light at the end of the tunnel right? I thank God for bringing me a bunch of true friends who embraces and accepts me for who I am and they never once put any judgement on me! Of course I also came to know Jesus Christ that builds up my confidence and mend my brokenness from the inside out. He has also taught me to forgive and let the pasts be the past. Throughout my walk with our one and only Lord and Saviour, I have learnt that nobody is perfect and I don't need to please anyone because I know that He will accept me and loves me as his favourite daughter no matters how thin or fat I can be.
So the question is.... Do you want to carry your baggages of unforgiveness and suffer from it throughout 2013? Or you want r surrender everything to Lord Jesus and welcome Him into your life? But for, accepting Jesus into my life is the best thing I've ever had in my life and by forgiving those who had hurt me is like throwing tons rocks off my shoulders. That's all for now... Blessed New Year everyone... Cheers!!
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