Read Jonah 1-2
From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God. Jonah prayed: "I called to the Lord in my distress, and he answered me.
From the depths of my watery grave I cried for help, and you heard my cry. . .
I will sacrifice to you with songs of thanksgiving.
I will keep my vow."
During my time of devotion, I came across the story of Jonah which has helped me so much to cope with the trials that I have to go through and still praying for a breakthrough and miracle to take place. I was at a time asking God why do I have to go through this difficult season? Blaming myself, blaming God, and blaming the people around me. Sounds dramatic? But seriously I felt like I've been pushed against the wall but I don't have the energy to fight back and it felt like I was at a dead end. I gave up and decided not to care anymore and slowly I stop going to church. Well, God has to send someone to knock on my spiritual door to wake me up to my senses! That person reminded me of how God, our Abba Father never fail to provide me with his protection through this difficult times. One word she said to me that really pierce right through my heart is, "God has never forgotten you!"
Back to the story of Jonah, God provided a giant fish as protection from a watery grave. Yes, that cold, stinky, wet fish was not a nice place at all. Fear would have crept in but Jonah knew something about God. He did the most important thing that most of us could not do in times of trials: he thanked God from inside the fish prison.
I've learnt that thanking God in the midst of sufferring can save us alot of pain. We must always remember that "nothing happens to you that God cannot and will not use for good."( Rom. 8:28). You'll be free to rest in a peace that goes beyond anything that you can imagine (Phil. 4:7). I began to learn to put my trust in God and to wake up every morning with a heart of thanksgiving because no storm can get to us unless God puts it there to rescue us from our choices.
Jonah was not set free from the belly until he learned something from it. I believe that sometimes when we felt like when we were trapped and want to get free, we have to learn what God wants you to learn. Ask yourself, "what lesson are you refusing to get?" "what work wont't you do?" Always go to God with prayer and praise then you will see things start to happen. If God can save a city like Nineveh, I believe that he can save all of us. Have faith and accept His rebuke and forgiveness and you shall see blessings unto you.